Automotive Engineering and General Education School Complex (ZSSiO)
ZSSiO is a modern, dynamically developing educational institution which embraces Primary School No 38 and a group of secondary schools: Comprehensive Secondary School No VII, Technical Secondary School No 5; Stage I Sectoral Vocational School No 5.
All schools within the Complex assure high quality educational experience which abounds in a variety of projects and didactic innovations.
Moreover, schools at secondary level offer a wide range of internships and professional training courses in Poland and abroad.
Our students do extremely well and succeed in a number of academic and technical fields thanks to highly qualified, dedicated teaching staff and state of the art didactic base.
The educational offer of the Complex is continually adjusted to meet the needs of the labour market.
At present the Secondary Technical School No 5 educates future professionals in automotive sector, mechanics, transport and spedition, logistics, automatics and robotics.
Secondary Comprehensive School No VII LO runs academic classes under auspices of local higher education institutions.
Stage I Sectoral Vocational School No 5. maintains close cooperation with local employers. Each vocation run by the School is put under the patronage of a relevant company well-known in the local community.
Secondary school students of selected profiles and vocations are guaranteed free driving licence training in categories B, C and C+E in a modern in-house drivers training centre.
On top of that, the Complex offers its students friendly atmosphere and overall support.